Our Spanish language social club! Through monthly discussion, lectures, food, film and art, we’ll explore our collective voice on the issues facing our Latinx community. ¡Ven como tú eres! (Come as you are! All levels are welcome.)
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“Holy Carbo-Loading” by Rev. Chad Tanaka Pack
Anyone else still thinking about Zig Zag? We’d love to hear about it from you. Share some of your thoughts generated from the sermon, worship experience, or any of the prompts provided below. Blessings beloved! — Minister Victor Andre Greene
• What do Jesus’ words “I am the bread of life” mean to you? What does the sacrament of communion mean to you?
• Name a problem that has been on your heart. What are you hungering for spiritually? How might God feed your spiritual hunger?
• How might you—uniquely gifted you—work for meaningful change in the world? What is one task you will do to work for change this week?
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“Holy Carbo-Loading” by Rev. Chad Tanaka Pack
Anyone else still thinking about Zig Zag? We’d love to hear from you. Share some of your thoughts generated from the sermon, worship experience, or any of the prompts provided below. Blessings beloved! — Minister Victor Andre Greene
• What do Jesus’ words “I am the bread of life” mean to you? What does the sacrament of communion mean to you?
• Name a problem that has been on your heart. What are you hungering for spiritually? How might God feed your spiritual hunger?
• How might you—uniquely gifted you—work for meaningful change in the world? What is one task you will do to work for change this week?
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Acting Class
Grow your acting chops and your public presentation skills in a safe and joyful environment. Work on scenes, monologues, movement, dance, music, as you develop and workshop pieces together. Led by Middle member Harold Slazer.
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Bible in the Middle
Explore scripture through the lens of Love. Period. Clergy and lay teachers create a safe space for asking the questions in our hearts, and seeking answers for a life of faith today.
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1 year, 7 months ago
Creative Writing
Move your ideas from your imagination to the page in a supportive, creative, and fun environment. Learn from colleagues as you share your work with one another.
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Middle Church Chat
A space to talk about each week's sermon, and talk with your Middle family!
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Middle Out Loud
A monthly small group with queer and LGBTQIA+ identified folks and committed allies to have fun, build connections, and discuss pertinent issues to our communities.
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3 years, 2 months ago
Elise Tiralli
New Adventures
If you are retired, semi-retired, between jobs, or happen to have Thursday afternoons free, you are welcome. Share time with new friends, pray for your Middle family, and live into what adventures lie ahead! This group is primarily for seniors, generally age 65 and above, but open to anyone looking for community!
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3 years, 3 months ago
Rev. Benjamin Perry
sample group
this is the description we will see when visiting the group.
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3 years, 8 months ago
Figmints Name
This is a group of Ukulele beginners who gather to learn introductory chords and delight in making music together!
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Virtual Chat and Chew
Now that we’re in a virtual space every week, we don’t want to miss the opportunity to see each others faces and hear each others voices! Every Sunday we invite you to join us from 12:45 p.m. – 1:45 p.m. for a sermon talk-back, and opportunity to gather in community.
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3 years, 1 month ago
Marty Miller
Virtual Dinner Party
Every other week, Gloria hosts a virtual dinner party. If you need connection and community right now, look no further!
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Voter Reform Project
Right now, and always, fighting for voting rights and ensuring fair and equal elections is God’s work. Our work Voter Reform Project focuses on voter registration and ending voter suppression, and mobilizing voters for elections. Together, we sent more than 50,000 postcards during the 2020 election!
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