Middle Church Homecoming 2022
Reclaim & Reframe • Repair & Rebuild
Welcome home Middle Church! We cannot wait to welcome you back to East End Temple and our online spaces, for a special celebration as start this year’s journey together. Our theme this year will focus on how we reclaim and reframe Christianity in the public square and work together to repair a breaking world. Collectively, this work will fuel our rise as we rebuild our sanctuary!
Join us September 25 for two special homecoming worship celebrations! The 10:00 a.m. ET celebration will be in-person only, but the 11:45 a.m. ET gathering will also be live-streamed on YouTube, Facebook and our homepage. Wherever you are, you’re home here at Middle!
Homecoming Worship Celebration, 10:00 AM ET
Homecoming Worship Celebration, 11:45 AM ET
Online Community Groups Fair, 10:15 a.m. ET
In-Person Community Groups Fair in Stuyvesant Square Park, 1:00 p.m. ET
As a little homecoming gift, we’ve arranged for a food truck to park outside East End Temple. Anyone wearing a homecoming name tag will get a free meal! Vegetarian, vegan, and gluten free options will be available. At the community groups fair, you’ll be able to complete this form and sign up for any groups for which you want more information.
Can’t make a community groups fair today? Click here to sign up for the groups you want to join.