Butterfly Outreach Ministry

Butterfly Outreach Ministry (BOM) helps address food insecurity in the Lower East Side. Despite the challenges following the December 2020 fire that destroyed Middle Church’s building, BOM continues its vital work through the efforts of dedicated volunteers. Every Sunday at 2:00 PM, we gather at the LES Comm-Unity Fridge (602 East 9th Street, corner of East 9th Street and Avenue B) to distribute meals and share kindness.

How you can get involved

How it Works

Volunteer to Make and Distribute Lunches

  • Purchase groceries (eligible for reimbursement) and assemble bag lunches.
  • Bring at least 5 lunches to distribute on Sundays at 2:00 PM at the LES Comm-Unity Fridge.
  • Walk with us to Tompkins Square Park to share lunches with neighbors in need.

Lunch Contents
Each bag should include:

  • Sandwich (e.g., PB&J, turkey & cheese, bagel & cream cheese)
  • Fruit (e.g., applesauce, mandarins)
  • Soft granola bar or snack
  • Water or juice box
  • Optional: A sweet treat
  • Paper napkin

Tips for Preparing Lunches

  • Use soft foods for easier chewing.
  • Add stickers with Middle Church/BOM branding, the date, and sandwich ingredients.
  • Include notes of encouragement like “You are loved” or “Have an awesome day.”

Safety Protocols

  • Wear disposable gloves while assembling lunches.
  • Do not participate if you’re feeling unwell.
  • Follow the buddy system during park distribution.
Next Steps
  • Assemble Lunches: Prepare at least 5 lunch bags with the recommended contents.
  • Join Us: Bring your lunches to the LES Comm-Unity Fridge at 2:00 PM on Sunday.
  • Distribute with Care: Walk with us into Tompkins Square Park to hand out meals.
How to get Reimbursed

Middle Church will reimburse volunteers for BOM-related purchases. Follow these steps:

  1. Keep all receipts for grocery purchases.
  2. Take a picture of all physical or digital receipts. 
  3. Submit images of receipts using our online reimbursement form.

Newsletter Signup

Newsletter Signup

We believe in the power of Love. Period.

Through Love, we are each created in God’s image and filled with the Divine Spark. No matter whom we love, no matter how we look, no matter where we are on our journey, God’s imprint is in every person of every race/ethnicity, every gender, and every sexual orientation. We believe God speaks many languages and is calling us on many paths to peace—Shalom. We believe that Love put on flesh—brown, poor, Jewish baby flesh—and came to live among us. We believe God lives among us still; we are the living body of Christ. We are the hands, feet, and heartbeat of God. We believe the Spirit of God calls us to freedom, and we are not free until all of us are free.