Acting class

Middle Church Acting Class
Step Into the Spotlight and Share Your Story

Middle Church offers an Acting Class designed to help participants develop their acting skills and public presentation abilities in a supportive and joyful environment. Whether you’re a seasoned performer or someone looking to gain confidence on stage, this class is for everyone.

The class focuses on scenes, monologues, movement, dance, and music, guiding participants in creating their own one-person shows. It’s a unique opportunity to explore your creativity, connect with others, and grow as both an artist and an individual.

Led by Middle member Harold Slazer, this dynamic and engaging class encourages attendees to come prepared to move and express themselves. Please bring loose clothing, a yoga mat, and an open heart.

Ready to Join?
Register for our Zoom.

For more details, you can also contact Harold Slazer at

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We believe in the power of Love. Period.

Through Love, we are each created in God’s image and filled with the Divine Spark. No matter whom we love, no matter how we look, no matter where we are on our journey, God’s imprint is in every person of every race/ethnicity, every gender, and every sexual orientation. We believe God speaks many languages and is calling us on many paths to peace—Shalom. We believe that Love put on flesh—brown, poor, Jewish baby flesh—and came to live among us. We believe God lives among us still; we are the living body of Christ. We are the hands, feet, and heartbeat of God. We believe the Spirit of God calls us to freedom, and we are not free until all of us are free.