Children, Youth, & Families Programs

Just Love. Period. 

This is the framing for our ministry to children,  youth and families. Children and youth are on a journey to discover their spiritual identity, and we’re here to support them every step of the way. We create a safe and brave nurturing container in which they can explore questions about identity, responsibility, friendship, peer pressure, and how faith in God can accompany their growing-up. Thanks to a generous grant from the Lilly endowment and support from congregants and volunteers, Just Love is the lens through which Biblical narratives, storytelling, and the arts teach values like justice, kindness, service, generosity, caring for the environment. Our welcoming, inclusive, progressive, intersectional theology empowers young people to become socially conscious, revolutionary lovers who inspire and teach us as much as we teach them. Together, we’re shaping a just and loving world. To keep updated on what we’re doing for CYF at Middle, subscribe to our newsletter below.  

To keep updated on what we’re doing for CYF at Middle, subscribe to our newsletter below. 

Just Love

Just Love is the guiding principle behind Middle’s theology and the resources we are creating support diverse parents and other caregivers to use the power of story to explore, nurture, and share justice and love-centered faith with their children. If you are interested in learning more about our resources, please click below
Sign up here

Youth Group

Middle Church is committed to creating the vibrant, thoughtful, and inclusive communities for youth and young people. Our youth groups, Mini Middlers (grades 1-4) and JH@M (Junior High at Middle) Sessions are spaces where our young people play and learn together. Our programs are free, open to Middle members and friends alike, and engage young people in meaningful community that embraces inclusivity, love, and each person’s unique experience of spirituality.
Sign up here

Freedom Summer

Inspired by the CDF’s Freedom School, Middle’s Freedom Summer is a free, week-long camp every August for grades K-5 to engage in conversations, workshops, and activities around love, justice, and liberation.
Register here

Children's Multicultural Book Fair

Middle Church is dedicated to promoting childhood literacy and celebrating the diverse identities, faiths, languages, and experiences of our beloved New Yorkers. This cherished annual event offers a curated selection of books for Grades Pre-K through 8th, along with live author readings, raffles, music, and engaging activity stations. Volunteers are always needed—reach out to join the fun!
Sign up here

Village Chorus for Children and Youth

Open to ages 5–18, the chorus fosters mentorship between older and younger participants while exploring a diverse, multicultural repertoire. Children learn vocal basics, sing in various languages, and perform engaging, transformational music. Participation is free, but a love for music and a strong desire to learn are essential!
Sign up here

Community Norms

We are committed to these norms within Middle Church’s community and spaces we hold together:

Middle Church Community Norms

  • We listen to understand until the speaker has finished and we do not interrupt

  • We ask clarifying questions (I’m so glad you share that, do you mind if I ask you a clarifying question)

  • We do not cross-talk (Thank you for your perspective, here’s my point of view/take on that/I have a different thought  VS I think you are wrong or I disagree or That is so stupid)

  • We speak for ourselves, not our cohort, our group, or anyone else

  • We use “I statements” as often as possible. (When I am interrupted I feel frustrated and find it difficult to stay engaged VS You interrupt me and it makes me frustrated)

  • We keep confidentiality in our groups

  • We do not make triangles, we say what needs to be said to the person who needs to hear it.

  • We tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Lying is disrespectful and anti-community. We know there might be more than one truth in a system but we try to tell ours and own it.

  • We step up and step back to allow all voices to be heard.

  • Zoom participants will adhere to demonstrating Revolutionary Love at all times. If a participant’s behavior is deemed inappropriate by the meeting host, they will be removed. Inappropriate behavior includes but is not limited to harassment, threats and bigotry of any kind. If you experience behavior that feels inappropriate, we invite you to remind the participant of this covenant and also message the host.

contact us

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Newsletter Signup

Newsletter Signup

We believe in the power of Love. Period.

Through Love, we are each created in God’s image and filled with the Divine Spark. No matter whom we love, no matter how we look, no matter where we are on our journey, God’s imprint is in every person of every race/ethnicity, every gender, and every sexual orientation. We believe God speaks many languages and is calling us on many paths to peace—Shalom. We believe that Love put on flesh—brown, poor, Jewish baby flesh—and came to live among us. We believe God lives among us still; we are the living body of Christ. We are the hands, feet, and heartbeat of God. We believe the Spirit of God calls us to freedom, and we are not free until all of us are free.