Events Calendar

Church isn't a building with four walls, it's the wondrous vibrant community that carries God's love wherever it's needed. Every week, we offer fabulous ways to connect in community, care and fun! And almost all our events have a virtual component, so wherever you live, you can call Middle home. Look through the calendar below and join whatever sparks joy!

Bible in the Middle

Explore scripture through the lens of Love. Period. Clergy and lay teachers create a safe space for asking the questions in our hearts, and seeking answers for a life of faith today.  Contact Rev Catherine Torpey for more information. To RSVP and receive Zoom call information, click here.

Voter Reform Group

A strong democracy depends on civic engagement and a commitment to pluralism. We come together every other week to learn, discuss, and share our individual perspectives on elections and political issues affecting our communities and nation. Importantly, we use this group to take action. We register new voters and mobilize voters for every election. We […]


Lenten Book Study: Notes of a Native Son


In Honor of James Baldwin’s upcoming centennial, join Rev. Natalie in a read of a collection of his earlier essays in the book Notes of a Native Son. This interactive course will take place both on Zoom and in Middle on the Circle platform. Click here to get set up in that platform in advance. Click Here to […]