Events Calendar

Church isn't a building with four walls, it's the wondrous vibrant community that carries God's love wherever it's needed. Every week, we offer fabulous ways to connect in community, care and fun! And almost all our events have a virtual component, so wherever you live, you can call Middle home. Look through the calendar below and join whatever sparks joy!

Village Chorus for Children & Youth

The Village Chorus for Children and Youth is part of the Freedom Summer program and meets in person every Sunday from 1pm-2:00pm.   We also have a Zoom option available.  It is unique in that it welcomes children starting at the age of 5 and goes all the way up to 18 (senior in High […]


Middle Players Present: The Party

Join us in the East End Temple sanctuary for a new, original and fantastic Middle Players performance. The Party A Comedy Written by Harold Slazer Music by Charles Reaves What happens when a group of people get together and end up talking about everything going on in the world… With Teresita Calderon Leslie Davis Donna […]