Events Calendar

Church isn't a building with four walls, it's the wondrous vibrant community that carries God's love wherever it's needed. Every week, we offer fabulous ways to connect in community, care and fun! And almost all our events have a virtual component, so wherever you live, you can call Middle home. Look through the calendar below and join whatever sparks joy!

Bible in the Middle

Explore scripture through the lens of Love. Period. Clergy and lay teachers create a safe space for asking the questions in our hearts, and seeking answers for a life of faith today. Join lively conversations exploring scripture for deeper meaning! Together, we dig into the historical context, consult theological interpretations, and learn from one another. […]


Worship Celebration | November 7 | 11:45 a.m. ET

Calvary Parish - St. George 277 Park Avenue South, New York

If you plan to worship in-person, please read these policies to learn how we’re trying to keep everyone healthy and safe! Click here to see the worship bulletin! Scripture: Luke 10, 25-30 Sermon: "What's Love Got To Do With It?" by Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis Our worship is a celebration that encourages a more-than-Sunday-morning faith! […]