Events Calendar

Church isn't a building with four walls, it's the wondrous vibrant community that carries God's love wherever it's needed. Every week, we offer fabulous ways to connect in community, care and fun! And almost all our events have a virtual component, so wherever you live, you can call Middle home. Look through the calendar below and join whatever sparks joy!


Regional Gatherings: Eastern Region


We want to offer Middle members more ways to connect with other folks in your region! Join one of our upcoming mixers hosted by Nick Laparra & Rev. Natalie Renee Perkins to find other people near you, so we can keep growing this movement of love and justice across the country and around the world. […]


Regional Gatherings: Central Region


We want to offer Middle members more ways to connect with other folks in your region! Join one of our upcoming mixers hosted by Nick Laparra & Rev. Natalie Renee Perkins to find other people near you, so we can keep growing this movement of love and justice across the country and around the world. […]