Events Calendar

Church isn't a building with four walls, it's the wondrous vibrant community that carries God's love wherever it's needed. Every week, we offer fabulous ways to connect in community, care and fun! And almost all our events have a virtual component, so wherever you live, you can call Middle home. Look through the calendar below and join whatever sparks joy!


Worship Celebration | April 21st | 11:45 am

East End Temple 245 E 17th St, New York

Sermon by Kaitlin Curtice 11:45 a.m. ET: Hybrid Worship Celebration (In-Person at East End Temple and Online on all our channels) Online Worship Celebration is moving to Circle directly after worship every Sunday. You can watch on your own schedule and not lose out on the option to chat with your community about your experience. […]


Interfaith Family Dinner with Asylum Seekers from Children’s Workshop School

East End Temple 245 E 17th St, New York

Volunteers are needed to join our third family dinner with migrant families on Sunday, February 25, from 4:00 to 7:00 PM.  Volunteers will participate in a variety of tasks, including serving food, set up, clean up, washing dishes, taking out trash, playing with children, and fellowshipping and eating with our neighbors.  Spanish-speaking volunteers are helpful […]