Scripture notes for August 28

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    Tomorrow we get to hear Rachael Ward speak on “The Vessels God Gives Us.” Rachael’s text is Daniel 6:1-16.

    Daniel is a book in the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament). Christians place it amongst our prophetic books, but Jews consider it not a prophetic book, but one of the “Writings” (Ketuvim), such as psalms or Ecclesiastes. Some of it is written in the first person of Daniel, and the action takes place in the 6th century BCE, when Babylon was wreaking destruction on Jerusalem and environs. For this reason, biblical literalists will say that it was written at that time. However, scholars who make their determinations with less of an invested viewpoint universally agree that it was written in the 2nd century, because it clearly makes reference to events that happened around 160BCE. (Literalists will say that that was prophetic knowing, so take your pick.) Also, some events described (first and foremost Nebudchanezer going mad) have no evidence in the historical record. I imagine that it is probably for these kinds of reasons that the rabbis of ancient times put this book into the “Writings,” which are books that were judged by them as edifying but not prophetic.

    The book of Daniel was very influential to Jesus and his followers, as it spoke forcefully of the “Son of Man” (which in Hebrew really just means “human being,” but takes on special meaning in Daniel and some other writings), who would triumph over kings.

    The basic story line is that young Daniel and 3 of his buddies are taken by the Babylonians into exile, and they prove to be so trustworthy and capable that they are given important posts. They stay fiercely true to Yahweh. Other powerful people in Babylon are envious of their status and do mean things like throwing them in lion’s dens. Daniel is able to interpret dreams among his other talents. Our portion this week are the verses just prior to his being thrown into the infamous den.

    If you have a chance, it would be well worth 9 minutes of your time to watch this YouTube video, which gives a very nice overview of this book:

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