scripture notes for September 11, 2022

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  • #8582

    Rev. Natalie will read the Ode 14 from the “Odes of Solomon.”

    The Odes of Solomon is a book that does not appear in the traditional canon. However, this collection of poems dates from very early in Christian worship. It seems this book was used and beloved by Christians in the first 4 centuries of Christianity, and might have been lost as a result of the canonization of other scriptures. It was lost until 1909, when a Biblical scholar discovered it amont many manuscripts he had acquired. By the time he recognized its importance, it had sat awaiting his attention for so long (as he went through other documents) that he did not remember anything about where it had been found, except that it was somewhere near the Tigris River. The copy he had was in Syriac (the ancient language of Syria), though it might have originally been written in Greek. As with the Psalms and other poetry, chances are that many of the poems had existed for many years before being adapted to Christian worship.

    They are much later than the time of King Solomon, who lived a thousand years before these were collected. However, calling them the “Odes of Solomon” reflects an effort to maintain the connection with ancient Israel and to elevate reverence for the collection. The traditional attribution of the Psalms to David may have similar motives.

    Here is the translation found in A New New Testament. Other translations can be found on the internet.

    1 As the eyes of a child upon its father,
    So are my eyes, Lord, toward you at all times,
    2 Because my breasts and my pleasure are with you.
    3 Lord, do not withdraw your mercies from me,
    And do not snatch away your sweetness from me.
    4 My Lord, extend your Right Hand to me always,
    And be a caretaker for me until the end, according to your desire.
    5 Let me be beautiful before you, because I have praised you;
    Because of your name, let me be freed from the Evil One.
    7 And Lord, let your serenity remain with me,
    Along with the fruits of your love.
    8 Teach me the songs of your truth,
    So that I may produce fruits in you.
    And open the lyre of your holy Spirit to me,
    So that I may proclaim you in every note.
    9 So according to the multitude of your mercies,
    Grant such to me, and hurry to grant our requests.
    10 For you are able to do all things that we need. Halleluiah.”

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